Janiya likewise played additional items in “Shooting Doves” and “Don’t Be Scared: Spagehhti Face.” However, Ditched will be her first authority acting execution.


Entertainer Janiya Ward: Her Age Exlpored Janiya Ward’s definite age isn’t uncovered. In any case, Backstage, LLC enigmatically expresses that her age is between 12-15.

In 2021, Janiya was acknowledged into the Chaminade Julienne Catholic, secondary school as the class of 2025. She was considering in grade 8 around then.

Presently, Janiya ought to be in her first year in her secondary school. All things considered, Janiya has finished her fourteenth year in 2021 and will be 15 this year.

Janiya Ward On Wikipedia: Her Biography Explored Janiya Ward is a multitalented individual. She is an understudy competitor and an entertainer. She is enthusiastic with regards to b-ball and plays school b-ball.

She was additionally casted a ballot as the MVP of her group once. While she energetically follows b-ball, she likewise similarly focuses on acting.

She takes acting examples from different organizations. The short film she played in has earned her a decent lot of consideration. She has additionally endorsed with Heyman ability Agency, and her representative is Laura VonHolle.

In her first year, she as of now studies in Chaminade Julienne Catholic, secondary school.

Janiya is of Black/African plummet, and she has dark hair and earthy colored eyes. She cherishes ball, swimming, piano, and bicycle riding.

Janiya Ward Career: How Has The Young Actress Progressed? Janiya Ward, while a great woman, is exactly toward the beginning of her profession. Her first film is in after creation so it will be delivered very soon.

She is exceptionally enthusiastic with regards to ball just as acting. The young woman hasn’t picked one to zero in on exclusively.

In any case, as she has effectively endorsed with an ability organization, she might seek after acting, and b-ball might stay a leisure activity for her.

— JaNiya Ward (@JaNiyaWard22) January 1, 2022

Regardless, the youthful entertainer and understudy competitor are as of now in front of a considerable lot of her friends.

Janiya Ward Net Worth: How Much Does The Young Actress Earn? There is no exact gauge of Janiya ward’s total assets.

The youthful entertainer is as yet a minor and is anything but a grown-up. Moreover, she might not have procured much from her presentation film. Be that as it may, the youthful entertainer is now set on her vocation way.

Does Janiya Ward Have An Instagram Account? Janiya ward probably doesn’t have an Instagram account. She isn’t dynamic on any web-based media locales with the exception of twitter.

Her Twitter account is mostly loaded up with b-ball tweets and her rehearsing cuts.

Meet her on Twitter, @JaNiya Ward.