Note: SE-Tray Menu comes in exe file and portable versions.

Initial Look & Setting SE-TrayMenu Up

Installing SE-TrayMenu is quick and easy…once you have finished you will see a small “Light Bulb Icon” in the “System Tray Area”. Simply hold your mouse over it to see the default layout, theme, and apps available.

To keep it visible at all times you should open the “Notification Area Icons Window” and change the setting to “Show icon and notifications”.

To access the settings for SE-TrayMenu, right click on the “System Tray Icon”.

The first thing that you will probably want to do is decide if you would like for SE-TrayMenu to start with Windows each time, the type of layout that best suits your needs (you can personalize how SE-TrayMenu looks very nicely with this), and the color theme.

The next thing is to start adding in the apps that you want quick access to. Here you can see the default group along with their “Target Paths”.

Click on the arrow portion of the “Add Button” to access the “Drop Down Menu”. The quickest and most convenient option is to select “Add applications from Start Menu…”.

Once you have selected “Add applications from Start Menu…”, you will see the following window. Scroll through the list and select the apps that you would like to add to SE-TrayMenu. When you are finished click “OK”.

Now you can see your new app list. From here you can remove any apps that you do not need, add more apps, or edit the ones on the list. Click “Close” when you are finished.

With a new theme, layout, and additional apps, our setup turned out very nicely.


If you are looking for a way to add the Quick Launch feature to Windows 7, then SE-TrayMenu provides a quick and easy way to do it. It will also work with Windows 2000, XP, and Vista. While this is an easy way to add Quick Launch functionality, make sure and read our article on how to Add the Real Quick Launch Bar to Windows 7.

Download SE-TrayMenu