Accessing QuickNote

After installing the extension QuickNote can be accessed through the “View Menu” for the “Sidebar Version” or…

Through the “Tools Menu”. Using the “QuickNote Sub-menu” will let you access the “Floating Window, Sidebar, & Tab Versions”. If you prefer the keyboard ninja method, you may access the “Floating Window Version” using “Ctrl + F7”.

QuickNote in Action

For our example we decided to open all three versions at the same time. You can see that we changed the background colors to help differentiate between the three notes.

For the first note we copied text from an article into “Note 1” by selecting the area we wanted and the using the “Context Menu” to send it to the note.

Text that you copy will have all formatting removed and “embedded links” are also removed as seen here. QuickNote will however add the link address for the webpage where the text was copied from.

Perhaps there was an “embedded link” in the text that you also needed to save to the same note… Right click on the link and you will be able to send it to your note too.

As with the text at the top of the note the originating webpage link address will be added after the link that you want to save.

Note: Images can not be copied into QuickNote.

Multiple Instances

Chances are you will not use “multiple instances” of QuickNote but for those who are curious here is what you should expect. Changes made to the first instance and saved do not automatically show up in the other instance. But this is nothing to worry about. The changes will appear in all instances the next time your browser is opened. Just remember to save all of your changes…

Here you can see our example browser after restarting. Both have the same text and now we have added something to the second instance and saved it.

Restarting once again shows everything perfectly matched up.

Just a quick example of three unique notes displayed across “multiple instances”.


Select the “Default Note” to send text to, the “Number of Notes” that you want to have active, which versions of QuickNote you want to open with the hotkey combination/toolbar function, and if you would like to have the “Save & Save As Buttons” displayed.

Choose a different “Save Location” for your notes if desired. This also lets you know exactly where your notes have been saved to if you do not make any changes.

Select the “Font Size, Font Color, Font Type, Background Color, & Customized CSS Styles” that you want for your notes.

Note: Each particular note can be set up with different styles.

Decide the “File Encoding” that you prefer to use and the “Autosave Option” that best suits your needs.

Some changes in the settings will recommend restarting QuickNote or the XUL application…a good browser restart will do nicely and have you ready to go.


If you have snippets of information and/or links that you collect during the day while browsing, then QuickNote makes an excellent place to store them.


Download the QuickNote extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

Download the QuickNote extension (Extension Homepage)