
Here is our regular horizontal “Bookmarks Toolbar”…not bad, but how about something different?


Once you have installed the extension and restarted Firefox, you will notice two things immediately… First, the regular “Bookmarks Toolbar” has disappeared. Second, take a close look at the left side of your browser…see that nice collapsible sidebar waiting for you?

With a simple click of your mouse your new “Vertical Bookmarks Toolbar” appears and is ready to go.

Note: You can easily adjust the width of the toolbar to best suit your personal preferences.


If you decide that you would like to do a little bit of tweaking to your new “Vertical Bookmarks Toolbar”, these are the options that are available.

You can easily switch the toolbar to the right side of your browser, decide which mode (closed, opened, or previous state) that you want your toolbar to open in, enable or disable auto-hiding, and set custom time limits for your auto-hiding and opening options.

Vertical Bookmarks Toolbar in Action

To access your bookmarks click on the folder to see the individual bookmarks and then select the one that you would like to open.

Note: Individual bookmarks not in folders open automatically when clicked on.

And just like that you are ready to enjoy all of that “Vertical Bookmarks Toolbar” goodness.


If you have a wide screen and are wanting to regain some extra vertical real-estate, then the Vertical Bookmarks Toolbar just might be the extension that you have been waiting for.


Download the Vertical Bookmarks Toolbar extension (Mozilla Add-ons)