Here’s a look at getting the two social networking features into your Notifications in iOS without the need to jailbreak your iPhone or tablet.

TapToShare Widget Adds Facebook & Twitter to iOS 8 Notifications

First, download the free app TapToShare to your iPhone. The app is optimized for the iPhone, but you can get it on your iPad by searching the iPhone section of the App Store. Also, note that you will need both the Twitter and Facebook apps installed on your device as well. After it’s installed, add TapToShare to your Notifications. If you haven’t done that before, swipe down to get Notifications, tap Today at the top, scroll down, and tap Edit. Then you can add it to your Notification widgets.

Now any time you want to send a message, pull down Notifications and select either tap to post for Facebook or Tap to Tweet for Twitter. In this example, I am going to send a Tweet.

Then you can type in your message and send it on its way. It still looks native, but it’s using the apps running in the background and handing off the data. Still, it makes it convenient to send a tweet or Facebook post from Notifications.

Give it a shot and let us know your thoughts on the app/widget and if you like it or not in the comments below. Speaking of iOS 8, there are plenty of new features, but some of them, like the Predictive text feature you might not be a fan of. Read our article on how to turn off Predictive text in iOS 8. Comment