The Big And Little Guy

In this context, Is the big guy and Adorama Vs B&H is the little guy. In terms of statistics, B&H is ahead. Not only does it rank ahead on product quality, product pricing and customer services but also ahead in terms of company leadership and working environment. Quality Pricing Adorama Vs B&H Return Policy ,The latter set involves the ability of employees to communicate with their bosses, the clarity and enthusiasm they have for the company’s goals, their general financial wellbeing and the workplace of the company and its employees’ attitudes. However, despite the numbers and their track records with philanthropy, they also have a track record of controversies regarding gender and race discrimination and tax evasion. Overall, while Adorama may not have racked up the laurels, it is also mostly free of the controversy baggage, excluding employee complaints. They are still known for good quality and it is up to the customer to study both and what they have to offer to make a reasonable choice.

A Summary Of Adorama Quality Pricing

Adorama boasts around 500 employees with annual revenue of over $100 million. The products of Adorama are not limited to just cameras, but also various electronics such as computers and various multimedia equipment. It also offers rental services including delivery for its products. It also offers trading for second-hand goods via Cash or credit. Other departments include AdoramaPix/Printique which allows for photo printing and flash-based photo book services. Various on-site educational workshops also train budding photographers while sharing content and resources. Online, the Adorama Learning Centre (ALC) on YouTube offers reviews and instructions regarding multimedia. It also produces several web series regarding that subject matter.  It has been criticised up and down regarding the work environment but overall, it is a solid choice that offers a bit of everything.

A Summary Quality Pricing Of B&H

B&H  boasts over 2000 employees with annual revenue of nearly $450 million. It is notable for having a rather relatively large population of Salmar Hassidic Jews as its workforce including the owner Hermann Schreiber. As expected, it is closed on most Jewish holidays and Christmas (excluding Hanukkah). Its retail products are essentially similar to that of Adorama above. B&H is also known for its share of both achievements and controversies.

Its achievements include:

Promoting photography and videography through:Promoting Bushwick Film Festival’s Bushwick Stories, a documentary workshop. Sponsoring NYC Salt, which is a program that trains high school students for photography. Sponsoring various programs and fellowships of BRIC. Funding education in the locality. The sales associates at the company won a competition held by Intel. They used the opportunity to have Intel donate $25,000 worth of hardware to PS-33 Chelsea Prep, Quality Pricing Adorama Vs B&H Return Policy a public school in Chelsea. The hardware consisting of laptops was meant to equip both students and teachers. They have also been involved in pandemic related events as they sponsored an appreciation event for healthcare workers of various NYC hospitals.

The controversies that it has faced, however, aren’t something that can be swept under the rug. These include:

B&T has been repeatedly accused of racial discrimination against Hispanic workers. It had settled a lawsuit in October of 2007 on allegations of the same while denying the claims. However, it faced similar lawsuits in 2011 and 2016 with the latter being settled similarly. The 2016 case also put forward claims of harassment against Hispanic workers, segregative practices and lack of facilities for women. In 2009 a lawsuit alleged discriminatory practices against the hiring of women. In November of 2019, a lawsuit was filed by Letitia James, the Attorney General of New York State. The lawsuit alleged claims of tax evasion. The company responded by claiming that the allegations were based on miscalculations as sales tax is calculated on selling price, not on pre-discount price as assumed by the Attorney General.


Adorama may not boast as many titles as B&H, Adorama Vs B&H but it is by no means sparse in its available resources. In the end, what would be preferable for one customer might not be for another. That isn’t the purpose of the article. Its purpose is just to aid in stating the facts regarding both companies. In the end, the choice is for the customer to make.

  1. Are there any alternatives to the options given above?

A. Hunt’s Photo and Video: Family owned camera store.

Roberts Camera: Family-owned store that adapted to also selling cameras. 

  1. Are both companies biased towards Jewish employees?

A. While Adorama has been accused of that by employees, in B&H’s case, there seems to be a bias against Hispanics instead.