Having all of your private information such as you being caught up in court cases or similar scenarios publicly on the internet can be quite annoying and overwhelming. It might feel like a violation of rights and freedom and make people highly uncomfortable.

Even if your records are clean, just the thought that anyone can randomly type in your name and have a background search on you is also uncomfortable for many. Therefore, a lot of people choose to opt out of Advanced Background Check. Here is how you can do it.

How can I opt-out of an Advanced Background Check?

We can all agree on the fact that Advanced Background Checks can be overbearing at times and we just want an out. We do not want our details on records to be publicly available for investigation or whatever. So here is how you can opt-out of an Advanced Background Check.

Get onto their removal website. Here is the link, if you can’t find it on the internet.

A record removal request opens up.  Go through the request and tap on the agreement box if you agree with the terms and conditions.  Tap on “I’m not a robot”  and then do the Captcha. After this, type your name on the search box. As your record opens up, tap on “see full info”. Down there, tap on “remove my record”. Your record should be removed within 24 hours of this process. You can go back and check for your record on the website after 24 hours to see if you are successful or not.  

This is how you can opt-out of an Advanced Background Check.

What is Advanced Background Check?

Advanced Background Check is a website that works as a private investigator. Just as the name suggests, this website performs background checks on people and their accounts. It checks the background and records in court cases or driving cases. It is used for employee and pre-employment screening. 

Does this all sound foreign to you?

Well, let us explain it to you in simpler terms for your better knowledge.

This website checks your background and shows if you have been a part of previous court cases or driving cases. It can also check if you are an employee of another company. It is mainly used in a pre-employment screening where the whole background of the mentioned candidate is skimmed through based on which the opportunity can be given.

Are you wondering how all this information is available for a website? Here is how.

Where does Advanced Background Check get all this information from?

Advanced Background Check gets its information from a variety of sources including

County criminal searches look for any criminal record. Social Security Traces. Employment Verification verifies where you have worked before and where you are working currently.

What is the most commonly used background check by employers?

Employers use background checks to see if you are a good candidate enough that they can hire without any consequences. If you are in the background check phase and haven’t been caught up in any cases previously, the job is more probably going to be yours soon. A large number of companies perform background checks only as a formality.

Here is what is checked in your background check

Criminal records 

Your criminal records are seen through to see if you are clean or committed any crimes in the past. They search the county, state, and federal courts for any records and if there aren’t any, you would be dismissed as a clean candidate. 

Based on the bylaws of the company and the requirements of the job, minor convictions can be overlooked and the candidate may be selected. However, for a few no matter how small it is, it would be a hindrance to your intake.

Education and licenses

Your education and qualifications can be cross-checked by employers with colleges or universities given the inclining number of frauds happening. However, colleges or universities usually do not reply to such requests of providing information on their students. Instead, they hire an education record reporting provider who displays all the records and certificates of the students.


Identity is one of the main things verified while performing a background check. The identity search is performed with your identity card which has an identity number. Your identity card could be anything such as your citizenship card or voter card or also your passport and birth certificate. Any card issued by the government which identifies you can stand as an identity card.

Advanced Background Check is a website that uploads private information regarding your records and other information on the internet publicly. Mentioned above are the steps on how you can opt yourself out of Advanced Background Check so that your record is removed from the website.