Adventure Time premiered on Cartoon Network in 2010, subsequently becoming one of the network’s most popular shows and earning eight Primetime Emmy Awards. The show centered around young adventurer Finn and his magical, world-wise dog Jake, both of whom traveled the world to battle baddies and prove themselves as heroes. The Adventure Time series finale aired on September 3, 2018.

Now, Adventure Time is coming to HBO Max in 2020 - this time in a format that will undoubtedly please its enormous fanbase. HBO has ordered four hour-long specials from Cartoon Network Studios. The specials, all under the umbrella title Adventure Time: Distant Lands, will each follow fan-favorite characters as they explore exciting new locales. The first two installments will hit home screens in 2020, two years after the original series ended. The second two do not yet have release dates. Before then, if you want to go even deeper into the show, there’s a comic for that.

The first special, titled “BMO,” follows the living video game system (Beemo, phonetically) as he fights an intergalactic threat. Hot on BMO’s heels is “Obsidian,” which chronicles the adventures of Princess Bubblegum and Marceline. “Wizard City” and “Together Again” will feature Peppermint Butler and Finn and Jake, respectively. Replete with colorful characters and hilarious misadventures, Adventure Time thrilled fans and critics with its offbeat approach to fantasy. No doubt these supplemental stories will have the same impact.

In a press release, HBO Max’s head of original content, Sarah Aubrey, said, “The enchanted world of Adventure Time has mesmerized viewers and critics alike a Finn and Jake right wrongs and battle evil. The addition of these specials to the HBO Max kids and family programming lineup is sure to make kids everywhere say ‘Slam-bam-in-a-can!’”

Even today, a year after its conclusion, Adventure Time remains one of Cartoon Network’s most popular shows ever - and for good reason. It featured fun characters, wildly funny antics, and more than enough wackiness to make even the surliest viewers smile. There was nothing quite like it, and audiences seemed to recognize that. Its return will bring fans back in droves and, with the streaming wars in full swing, Adventure Time could be a major selling point for HBO Max.

Next: Twisted Adventure Time Facts That Will Surprise Longtime Fans

Source: HBO