Dallas, The Taj Mahal, Virginia Beach, Monterey Calif, and Jaster are one of the best affordable trips that one can enjoy at a good expense.

The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has been called the most beautiful building in the world. Even though it is one of the most expensive places to visit in your old age, it is well worth the expense. The Taj Mahal is located in Agra, India, and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the country. It can be difficult to visit The Taj Mahal in your old age as it is only open at certain hours of the day – make sure to book your tickets as far in advance as you can.

Your travel expense can be approximately USD 60 per person. A hotel would cost approximately $50 per night

Virginia Beach, Va

Your travel expense can be approximately $60 per person. A hotel would cost approximately $50 per night. Virginia Beach has many exciting sceneries and it is a very affordable place. to visit. Hotel fees in Virginia are much lower than in Florida or California. You can even stay at a hostel for as little as $10 per person. Which is even better as hostels are usually a lot more personal than hotels and offer a closer connection with the locals. A hotel costs approximately $20 per night. The beach has a relaxing bay and the sand is clean. You can have exciting boat rides, enjoy free dances at night, cruise, and watch dolphins in the ocean. The famous boardwalk is also a great place to go.

Monterey Calif

Monterey calif is located in southern California. This small city has a lot to offer, with beautiful beaches, an eclectic selection of restaurants, and interesting marine parks. Have vineyards and wineries to visit, golf courses to play and a monarch butterfly grove sanctuary to explore. It would cost you on average $111 per day and to spend in a hotel approximately $56 per night.

Jaster,Alberta, Canada

Jasper, Alberta, Canada is located in Canada, southeastern Alberta. Jasper national park has an area of 12,000 hectares, is a gateway to the Canadian Rocky Mountains, and is hence the most famous national park in Canada, containing the world’s largest concentration of glaciers, a rich array of wildlife, and exceptional viewing opportunities. It’s best to drive to get the most out of your experience and view beautiful sceneries. It will cost you approximately $71 to spend daily, and $39 in a hotel per night.

Dallas, Texas

Dallas Texas is a huge city in the state of Texas that boasts many museums. The city is visited by millions of people every year from all over the world. The city also has a lot to offer in the way of shopping and entertainment. If you are interested in visiting the city, you can always take a tour with free transportation services like D-Link and M-line trolley. It will cost you approximately $103 daily and $53. You visit the Six Flags amusement park, which is located in the southern part of the city, a lot of historical places to visit, and a lot of shopping places that offer value for money. 


Travelling in your old age can be a great opportunity to connect with your grandchildren and family to create beautiful memories. This is because you have all the time to explore and enjoy. Some ideas for travel in your old age, to save money for future travel can include, savings accounts. These are not the only way to build long-term wealth but Investing can also be as simple as investing in index funds, or you can take a more hands-on approach, managing your portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other securities… It is exciting to travel and visit places while you are young because some destinations offer adrenaline rush activities that make you feel like you have accomplished something. 

If you are concerned about the cost of travel, you can always use a travel insurance plan to cover yourself. You can also save by buying your travel insurance before you leave home. However, travelling while old is more exciting and fun as you have all the time in the world to explore and experience your city and its surroundings. You will have experienced your city and will have a better understanding of what is around the corner when you want to. It is also a beautiful idea to travel with your children and grandchildren as you can easily connect and share with them, creating wonderful memories that will last a lifetime. 

Is travelling by a tour company worth it?

It will depend on the individual. However, most people prefer to use a tour company to save them the stress of planning what to do and what to see

  1. Are people who travel happier?

People who travel are happier. When we travel, we rewire our brains