Airbnb Complaints Raised By Clients:

Airbnb might have come to the aid of many people who frequently travel or move from place to place and do not prefer booking hotel rooms during their travels from place to place. However, it has also come with its share of accusations and complaints from its clients.

Some of the complaints raised by the clients of Airbnb include;

· Complaints in handling and resolving emergency issues.

· Complaints on issues with the Wi-Fi network.

· Complaints on the amenities provided.

· Complaints on the cleanliness of the space rented.

· Complaints of their space being bugged using spy cameras.

These complaints, if not addressed early, may completely ruin Airbnb. These compliments have been checked; some are biassed and baseless, and others are true.

Complaints on Handling and Resolving Emergency Issues

Airbnb clients expect when they make a request on anything around the property concerning their peaceful and relaxing stay at their rented space to be handled with immediate action. These requests are those affecting them directly. They include broken or unfunctional showers, leaking kitchen water and sewage, and broken toilets. To avoid such complaints, a property owner ensures that all accessories in the property are functioning correctly and has a quick response team that will be able to cater to clients settling in without any fuss.

Complaints on Issues with the Wi-Fi

These are widespread complaints made by most of the clients. They mostly happen when the network is down or not responding. The complaints may be worse if the clients are the young generation whose lives revolve around the Wi-Fi networks. The complaints can be avoided by having a regular network checkup and ensuring that all the Wi-Fi subscriptions are made in due time. It is also essential to keep an expert around in case of an avoidable occurrence of a problem.

Complaints on the Amenities Provided

When a customer settles on a specific property and moves into a space, they expect to find the same described amenities in the space rented. There have been a lot of complaints by clients about being lied to by the owners of some Airbnb properties by describing amenities that do not exist in the actual property. This makes the property owner and the property lose many potential clients. We can avoid this by making sure whatever amenities described in the advertisement are just the same amenities found on the actual property.

Complaints About the Cleanliness of the Space Rented

This is another complaint that can be very damaging to the property and the property owner and may lose a lot, if not all, the clients. This is because when one chooses to use Airbnb, they choose quality, and clients tend to shy off the property when the place has reported cleanliness. We can avoid this by ensuring a thorough cleaning, including trimming bushes around the property. We should do this before and after the clients arrive and leave. This helps keep the place neat and presentable.

Complaints of their Space Being Bugged Using Spy Cameras

This is one of the most severe and damaging complaints a client can make about the space or property they have rented. This is because the claim not only damages the reputation of the space or property rented but also can lead to the prosecution of the owner of the property by the state’s laws that protect the rights of people. This is because infringement of another person’s privacy is a severe offense under the law. Therefore for a property owner to avoid being at loggerheads with the laws and also avoid such complaints, is by inviting an expert to check for spy cameras upon the client’s arrival. The property owner can also ask the client to suggest an expert of their choice if they so wish.


One must know their target market when advertising their property on Airbnb. This is because It will attract the visiting clients to the property based on the description they get about the property. It will tremendously reduce the client’s complaints since the property owner will have prepared sufficiently.

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